Business Software Starter Guide

Useful Information to Help you Decide, What Your Business Software Needs to Do


Software Choices for Business

The software system that is best for your business will largely depend on the type of industry you are in, the size of your business and how you want your staff and customers to access it.

There are various software products available for businesses that are ready-made, also known as off-the-shelf. However, many businesses find that ready-made software does not provide what they require or in the way they require it. These businesses choose a different route and have their software custom-made.

If you're interested in custom software, then please read on ...


Whether you are a new starter or an established business, when you are looking to invest in new software, you need to determine your goals in advance. This will ensure you receive a maximum return on your investment.

First, you need to investigate the limitations of your current software system and consider which software changes or additions, would increase your business efficiency.

To help you start thinking about this, we have listed some typical areas where software can improve your business processes and increase staff and customer satisfaction.

  • Improve customer service by ensuring that your customers' information is secure, accurate and up-to-date. Provide customers with easy access to retrieve and update their information.
  • Improve employee efficiency by enabling instant access to the information they need to do their job. Faster ways to communicate with customers and operatives in the field.
  • Improve 'out of the office' employee efficiency Equipping operatives in the field with an app, provides them with up-to-date information at all times and allows them to instantly update office staff.
  • Automation of routine tasks Often tasks that staff fulfil on a routine basis can be automated, such as creating and emailing quotes and invoices. Often the data is already in the system so why not, let the system produce and send emails at specified times.
  • Alerts and Notifications It can be useful for staff to be reminded when a task needs to be completed, your software can be written to add automatic reminders when certain events happen. Notification can be scheduled for staff and customers, with the software automatically sending SMSs or emails at appropriate times.
  • Eliminate human error. An all-in-one software system can often eliminate errors caused by the need to duplicate data, from one software program to another - this is a common problem for many businesses.

You're not alone! Who can help?

You don't have to rely solely on yourself in order to determine your goals for your new software system. Here are a few examples of people who may have the knowledge to help you make these important decisions:

Talk to your staff, these are the people who work with your business systems on a day-to-day basis. They may have already recognized where your current software succeeds and fails. Often they will have ideas of how things could be improved, how to reduce errors and what tasks could be automated.

Talk to your clients and customers, they may have suggestions on what information they would like to access regularly. How they would prefer to access it and when and what notifications they would like to receive.

Talk to an IT business specialist, they can guide you on hardware issues and analyse whether the software you intend to purchase would be compatible with your existing hardware. During the course of their career, they will have been exposed to various forms of business software and may be able to recommend products or software development companies.


Talk to a Software Consultant

If your still unsure or just don't really know where to start, TotalRen offer a software consultancy service, with a free no-obligation consultation.

We will look at your current software system, talk to you and key members of your staff, with the aim of creating a software solution that will maximize your business's efficiency.

With years of experience in developing and consulting on software, we can find efficiency gains that the above groups are unlikely to be aware of.

For an initial informal chat, give us a call today or fill in our contact form and we will get back to you.